Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Essay Post (The credibility of science and religion)

'Science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind.' Discuss. 

Science and religion are two separate subjects that has the ability to co-exist. Despite their individual conflicting definitions, science and religion gives meaning to life, the practices that people do and the way of the natural world works. ‘Science’ (2014) is defined as the pragmatic activity concerning the systematic study of the way the physical and natural world works through observation and experiment. Religion (2014), on the other hand, is “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods”. Science, in other words, is a clinical approach to life and religion is a theoretical approach that is unproven in the world of science. Despite their conflicting definitions, these two independent subjects are interdependent as portrayed in the famous quote, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science in blind.”
I agree that science and religion are interdependent, as both subjects needs the existence of the other to make sense. Science without religion is incomplete because science needs religion to soften its harsh logic with morals and values. Religion without science is impaired because religion needs science to give it reality checks. Therefore, I agree with Albert Einstein that neither science nor religion is complete without the other. This is evident in many religious traditions and this essay will be focusing on world religions such as Judaism, Buddhism and Christianity.
Firstly, I agree with the Albert Einstein’s statement, in the context of traditional religious teachings of ethics, as many religious traditions shows the need for religion to guide human nature to the positive light and the need for science to form the basis of understanding for such traditions. As derived from the famous philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, human nature is materialistic. Human beings are self-centred. Humans pursue their own self-interest relentlessly by avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure. (Leviathan, 2014) This materialistic view of human nature is biological. It is instilled in humans and it is the basis for the conduct of misdeeds and sins. This scientific interpretation of human nature provides the factual explanation of the behaviour of human. Science shows ‘what human nature is’ but it does not explain ‘what humans should be ’. Thus, science without religion is incomplete. There is a need for religion to guide human nature after understanding it through science. Religion is needed to guide humans in the way they should behave, how they should treat their community and what is right and wrong. Many religious traditions include teachings and rituals to guide humans to abandon the self-centredness in them and follow what God expect them to be.
For example, in the religious teachings of ethics in Judaism, humans are believed to be created in the image of God. This means that humans are responsible for the way they behave, the things they do and choices they make. In the Torah history, Noah and his family, who are deemed to be righteous people, are chosen to repopulate the earth and survive a worldwide flood. They, the most righteous people, ended up conducting misdeeds and sins due to the human nature (Matthews, 2013). Thus, the story of Noah and his family is the illustration of human nature, as explained in the paragraph above, which reflects what human is and would be without religion. Religion, is hence the solution to human nature. Judaism promotes the commitment to universal values, such as care to animals, people and the environment. Judaism teaches people the right way to treat others by setting a standard for relationship through the ethical laws of the Torah. One example of the ethical laws is to ask people to love their neighbours as much as they love themselves. Besides Torah, the Ten Commandments should be followed to promote compassion towards less fortunate in a habitual basis. Therefore, in Judaism’s traditions in the practice of ethics, it clearly reflects the interdependency of science and religion. Without the Ten Commandments and ethical laws in Torah, humans would continue to sin the way human nature allows them to and there would be no compassion and love for others in the world of self-interest. In other words, science is ‘lame’ because the absence of a religion to inculcate values and morals in humanity only makes human a body without a soul. Without the understanding of human nature through the story of Noah and his family in the Torah history, people would not possible understand the need to follow the Ten Commandments and ethical laws in the Torah. This means that such religious traditions would be ‘blind’ without understanding human nature.
Another example would be traditional religious teachings of ethics in Buddhism. It is believed that the problem all humans are facing is suffering. Even by gaining more properties and improving standard of living would not solve the problem of suffering because the underlying cause of inevitable suffering is ignorance. Thus, the only way to end suffering is to acquire knowledge about suffering. The Middle Path is about the teaching of a balanced life, modulate one’s impulses and behaviour which ends inevitable suffering. The Middle path taught by the Buddha is only a guide to follow but individual efforts of salvation is more important. Besides the Middle Path, the Eightfold Path is another important guide to end suffering in life (Matthews, 2013). Thus, science, knowledge in this case, is important as it aids in the understanding of the need to learn about suffering. Without knowledge, religion is ‘blind’ because the Middle Path and the Eightfold Path would make no sense. There is a need to understand the problem of suffering before believing in the need to follow the Buddha’s teachings. Without these religious traditions, knowledge is ‘lame’ because it shows what the problem is but it does not continue to explain what should be done.
             Besides showing the validity of Albert Einstein’s statement in the context of traditional religious teachings of ethics, the statement is applicable to traditional rituals and festivals celebrated by religions too. For science could explain nothing beyond real-life observation and things that happened, religion explains the gap that is left open to imagination. Religion is as important as science. Many devotees’ involvement in religious rituals and festivals are due to the commemoration of their God, the need to repay their sins and protect their family spiritually. Many of these are unattainable in the world of science.  Hence, both science and religion have to coexist to provide a complete explanation that make sense to humans.
            For example, in the Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country, extreme acts of penitence are carried out voluntarily by Catholic devotees on Good Friday annually. The extreme acts of penitence include re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, flogging oneself by carrying the most prominent symbol, the cross, and continuously whipping their backs till it bleed. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a very important event for both Christians and Catholics. It shows how much love Jesus had for his people and how he was willing to sacrifice to cleanse the sins for his people. The devotees have to complete the ritual by marching under the sun for several hours with injured back and their limbs tied up. Devotees believes that by carrying out these extreme acts of penitence, it would cleanse their sins, save their families from illness and perhaps be rewarded (Thakur, 2012). In this case, religion without science is ‘blind’ because such rituals are seen as self-tormenting as it has no link between nailing oneself on the cross and good health. In the world of science, medicine and knowledge are the only cure to illness. However, medicine and knowledge are limited. Without the understanding the limited capacity of science, religion is ‘blind’. For science is unable to explain the situations beyond the physical world, religion has the ability to. Thus, science is incomplete without religion as it does not provided a complete explanation to life. Hence, religion is needed to complete the incomplete scientific explanation for the problems these devotees are facing. Religion provides a second chance to devotees who sin. Religion provides faith when science fails. Hence, neither religion nor science could make sense independently in this context.
            In conclusion, I strongly agree with the interdependency of science and religion and Albert Einstein’s statement. Science is a realist whom states what could be seen in the physical world in the present and past, while religion completes science by explaining things beyond the physical and natural world even in the future. Some may argue that religion is only needed when science fails. In my opinion, I disagree. I believe that in today’s world religion is regarded just as important as science. One could be as knowledgeable, powerful and rich but that does not define him as a successful person. A successful person should embody morals and values that religion inculcates. Religion guides human beings out of the biologically vicious human nature and provides a solution to it. Science without religion is incomplete because it would be a world too rigid and factual. Religion softens the rigidity and give meaning to life. Therefore, in my opinion, it is true that “Science without religion is lame, religion without science in blind.”
                                                                                                            1524 Words   

Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes ‘Of the Natural Condition of Mankind as Concerning Their Felicity and Misery’, Adelaide (ed. last updated 1 March 2014), viewed 19 September 2014
Monami Thakur, 2012, “Barefoot Filipinos Perform Extreme Penitence During Holy Week” International Business Times, 6 April (p. 1)
‘Religion’ 2014, Oxford English dictionary online, viewed 19 September 2014,
‘Science’ 2014, Oxford English dictionary online, viewed 19 September 2014,
Warren Matthews, 2013, World Religions: Judaism (p. 278), 7th edn, e-book,
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Canada ,viewed 19 September 2014
Warren Matthews, 2013, World Religions: Buddhism (p. 140), 7th edn, e-book,
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Canada ,viewed 19 September 2014

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